A few weeks ago Jan and I went to the Rocky Mountain National Park by Estes Park to see the Fall colors and the Elk bugling (sp?). We saw more beautiful colors just outside our apartment complex than in the mountains. Perhaps the available variety of trees made the difference. In the mountains, there were scattered yellows of trees among the dense growth of pines, and unfortunately, also the brown dead pines killed by the pine beetles. We didn't see much orange, red, or maroon colors. Oh, on the elks, we saw a small herd (3) just as we entered the park, none along the mountain ridges, and then a a large herd in the distant, near the park exit. The bad news is that Jan's camera battery died and I didn't have my 10x SLR camera with me, so there were no good pictures. It was a weird thing though to hear the male elk bugles as he chased after the "female of the minute". He would amble along for a few more minute, and then repeated the routine.
Oh, start checking this blog space starting in November. You'll be bored stiff with NaBloPoMo.