Monday, November 16, 2009

The marathon and black Ice

We flew home from San Antonio very early this morning, landing in Denver around 830am. The weekend we were in SA, the daytime highs were in the 70s, and Denver had about 9-10 inch of snow.

The marathon were well organized. I think they said over 30 thousands participated, with the majority in the Half Marathon. We parked at the AT&T Center, and took a free shuttle bus to the finish line. Once there, we walked to the 12 mile marker and waited for Lauren to pass us by. Jan subscribed to the Lauren race report, and every so often she gets a text message on her phone of Laurens progress. For example, after we left home and dropped Lauren off near the start line, we ate breakfast at Magnolia's Pancake house, and while there she received a text message saying that Lauren started her race at 8:32am. While waiting at that mile marker, we saw several racers with funny costumes. Here are a couple of examples:

And here's the one leading the race for the full marathon at 2:05 into the race, with a mile to go:

And second place:And here's Lauren a mile from the finish line. Her time was 2:30:29.

After we got back, we picked up our car, it was covered with snow. The roads seemed dry, so I got careless while clearing the snow from the car. I fell and slipped on a layer of black ice around the car. It didn't seemed bad at all at the time, but now, a few hoours later, my butt, my left arm and elbows are sore, all muscles though, no broken bones. . Ibuprofen to the rescue.


Stephanie said...

I hate falling on the ice. It usually happens to me a couple of times each winter...

Lauren said...

Oh no! I hope you're ok. Take some advil!

Owen and Eric said...

When you say "no broken bones - all muscles" does that mean you went to get checked out by a doctor, or is that a self-diagnosis??? I hope you got it checked out! Love you!

Living in Denver said...

I did self diagnosisa, as ususal. I am quite sure no broken bone, although my left side by the hip is still sore when I lay down on that side.