Monday, January 19, 2009


It's been a while since I blogged, and truthfully, there is really not much going on that are worth writing about, but, regardless, here is my blog for the month.

Since the beginning of the year, I've been busy with work and planning for the Divorce Care program at our church, Mississippi Ave Baptist Church. If you recall, last summer we started this program at the church and have had amazing attendance, considering that summer months are usually slow month for DC. As a matter of fact, most churches skipped summer altogether, as they do in Garland, Texas. From the inquiries we received, we decided to offer two DC sessions this time around, one on Wednesdays and one on Sunday afternoons. Our first sessions started this past week and we have 5 people last Wednesday and 3 on Sunday. Several people called and say they wanted to come but could not make it on the first week. So it seemed that we will be doing both sessions after all.

One week after we got here from our Christmas/New Year break in Texas, Jan had to leave for Charleston, SC to be with her mother who just had surgery to repair a ruptured intestine. She spent a week there, and now we are dealing with her will to live. It seemed that she has given up on living, and barely ate or drink. She is currently under Hospice care, and they are allowing her to stay there for a maximum of thirty days. We hope that you will be able to pray for closure on this uncertainties and her future. Jan wanted to witness to her about our Lord Jesus, but with her mom's limited understanding of English, she wasn't able to do so. So we are now just waiting daily for whatever will happen.

Work wise, while Jan was away, I've been working extra hours on most days, and sleeping early at night. I was usually in bed around 9pm. This week though is the beginning of Australian Open, and ESPN2 has been carrying daily broadcast of that event, so I've been sleeping much later.

That's it for now. At the end of January we will be flying back to Texas to greet our soon to be born 7th grand child, Eric Baggett!!!


Anonymous said...

For those keeping up with us through Dad and Mel's blogs: Eric Baggett has NOT arrived yet -- Dad's comment about coming to Texas to meet him is anticipating that he will be here by the end of the month when they come into town. :)

We're now 4 days from the due date, and Eric just seems content to stay inside, as Owen did, so I anticipate we may need to help him "decide" to come out once we get past the due date on the 23rd. We'll send an email and I'm sure Dad and Melly will post when he arrives with all the details.

Love, Jennifer

Breenette said...

Know that HE is GOD! I know that our God has many ways of communicating who and what He is - and a language barrier will not deter Him from allowing one of His flock to KNOW Him.

I will be in prayer for Jan's mother - that our Lord will communicate to her as only He can! I have seen this miracle before - have faith in Him who is greater than we can fathom.

Jennifer - Congrats in advance! Our prayers are with you as you bring new life into this world. I hope that he will come without difficulty and on time. :) Man, those last few days were torture for me.

The Nugen's said...

thanks for the update. You didn't answer about the parallels...did you get it to work??

Unknown said...

Dear Opa and Granna,

I would like to introduce myself. My name is Mica and I am the DivorceCare Ministry Consultant for your church.

I found your blog related to DivorceCare and wanted to say hello and to reach out to you as the support person for your ministry.

I am looking forward to continuing with you on this sometimes challenging
and oft times incredibly rewarding ministry.  I want you to know that we are
here to help in a variety of ways.

I'd love it if you could contact me (when you're not too busy with your grandchild and moving!) and we can get to know each other better. I want to make sure you are aware of all the support that we offer you and your ministry.


Mica Baker