Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Being a grandfather - is a joy!

It seemed not so long ago that I told each of the kids that I am not ready to be called grandpa yet. I was in denial of my age and role in life. And then came Jacob, followed successively by Owen, Toby, Paddy, Sarah and Eric, and of course Jamiee. Now that I have become a grandfather so many times over, I realized that God has truly been good to me and has blessed me with a great family and life. I have to admit that I was wrong then. Every year since has been a joy to see them grow and accomplish many things and discoveries. I have enjoyed every minutes that I am with them, even when I have to change their diapers, or going through their terrible twos. I want you all to know that I am very thankful for everyone of you, for your love to each other, and for the great grand kids I have been blessed with, and for allowing me to get to know everyone of them. I love you all, and am looking forward to see more grandkids from you know who! Yes, you, you and you!

1 comment:

The Nugen's said...

And you are the best Opa and Granna a kid could get!! They all over you both so much!!