Monday, November 30, 2009

Three days of tennis, back to back.

On Thanksgiving day, after I put the turkey and turducken in the oven I was checking my email, and there was one from GaryO saying that he's got three people lined up and if I could come out and play. In 10 minutes, I was out the door heading to the tennis court. I got there and no one was around. So I wandered over to the club's gym, and found Gary exercising. Of course he dropped everything and we played single for about an hour. It turned out that I missed a keyword "tomorrow" on the email.

Friday morning I went there again and that time we do have a foursome. We played for about two hours and I was really worn out. At the end of the game Gary told me that he has recently written his third book, and to celebrate that, he and PaulF organized a Tennis Mixer at the Shores for next day, Saturday (which hadn't had one for years), that included a book signing event. He said a lot of the people I know will be there. So of course I couldn't pass that up.

Jan dropped me off at the club on Saturday morning and sure enough there were a lot of old friends that I haven't seen for a long time. I had a good time, my tennis is as bad as usual. We played four 8-game sets and I won only 1 out of 4 matches.

Later that afternoon, my left rib where the diaphragm is attached hurt really bad. I cannot cough, sneeze or even blow my runny nose without feeling a sharp jab. It took two days before I felt better (today). But, tennis is always a lot of fun. It was good to see my old friends still playing tennis.

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