Wednesday, November 19, 2008

November Nineteen

To be alone with no family to turn to . . .

Tonight was our last Divorce Care for the year, and we have one attendee who had been with us only for the last 2 weeks. She is a Japanese woman who was married to an American in Okinawa and then moved to the States. They were married for almost twenty years and divorced almost as many years ago. Because of her marriage to a non-Japanese, her own family in Japan disowned her. Because of her divorce from her Mormon husband, her ex-husband and her two children whom she raised disowned her. Her sons are now married and have children, but she has never seen her grandchildren. They don't want to have anything to do with her, and she said it has been almost six years ago since she saw her son. She doesn't even have their contact information, no phone number, no address.

How can anyone comprehend what is going through her mind? She buried herself in her work to survive and keep busy. Her language and social skills are not conducive to bring her into social circles that will help her thrive. She became a christian and have accepted Christ as her Savior.
Jan and I have befriended her, but we are concerned and don't know what to do. Today after the DC session she asked us what she can do on Thanksgiving day since she didn't want to spend time alone. She tried to volunteer at the the Denver Rescue Mission, but perhaps because of her language barrier or maybe they already have enough volunteer, she wasn't able to help them. They told her they have enough help for the day.

What should we do? We looked at ourselves, and realized how much the Lord has blessed us with EVERYTHING. Our spouses, our immediate family, our extended family, our jobs, and our friends and everything else that surround our lives. Please pray today specifically for her and other people you know that are not as fortunate and blessed as we are.


The Nugen's said...

Is there anyone else in your DC group that would invite her to join them for Thanksgiving? That is a sad story. I can't imagine what life would be like without my family.

Breenette said...

This woman (and her family) will be in my prayers.
I can not imagine the pain that she feels each day.
I agree with Mel...perhaps someone else in the group would be happy to welcome her into their home for the day.

This post was such a good reminder to me to be constantly aware of the people around me and not always be about "me, me, me"- everyone has a story, and sometimes you can find ways to help your fellow humans if you just take the time to listen. Even if the only help you can offer is "just" prayer. :)