Sunday, November 16, 2008

November Sixteen

Mission for Christ

Today as a special Sunday for our church. We have the Rocky Mountain High Baptist Group cook a meal for us, as they did for the recent disaster relief team during the Houston hurricane. This group along with other group went down to provide meals, and several chainsaw gangs to remove fallen trees from houses. Unfortunately, by the time the we get to the food line, they were about to run out. I guess they underestimated the number people palnning to taste their food. During the service, they said that it was Jambalaya. Well, we we got to it, it didn't look like one. So this afternoon I scrounge around our fridge, and found we have everything we need to make our own, except for the shrimp. So, it is just finishing cooking, and soon we'll get to enjoy the real Jambalaya (my kind anyway!).

The sermon message was: seize the day. There are many opportunities everywhere to do the Lord's work, and the bottom line is don't wait for the "right" opportunity, but do it now with what you have been given. He used David in 1 Samuel 17 as an example. At that time, the Philistine was devastating God's people. Saul and his warriors could not defeat Goliath. Then David step forward saying he was going to battle the Philistine. They laughed at him and told him to go home. David was just a small scrawny boy, and even Saul doubts that David is the right person for the battle. Everyone was waiting for a big strong person with war skills.
You know the ending.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi Julio,
i agreed with you that you make the best Jambalaya.
anyway,i hope you will get my computer this week as i will mail it tomorrow (monday) thru Fedex.
the pictures looks so good in Colorado. take care TTYL love dkwee