Monday, November 3, 2008

November Three

My thoughts today concern family. Exactly one year ago today my mom passed away after a short bout with lung cancer. She gave birth to 11 children, and left a legacy of love that her descendants continue to foster, despite the fact that some of us are from different fathers. To her, family is an important part of her life. I love you mom!

I pray that as you read this you will remember to touch someone in our family that you've neglected, lost contact, or just too busy to "get around to it". How many times I've rationalized in my mind that its not a good time to call, or I'll call later, or maybe its too late to call, or I'll call later when I have more time, or some other reason, when deep down, it is just our reluctance to do so.

Billy Graham in today's daily devotion said: "The family is the most important institution in the world. It was God's idea in the first place ... In the home character and integrity are formed, values are made clear, and goals are set. These last a lifetime. And if they aren't formed correctly, that, too, will result in patterns - bad patterns that last a lifetime, if God doesn't intervene."

Mom's legacy is family love. I grew up without really knowing my father, but I found God through Jesus Christ, and the Bible. I want that pattern changed and have tried to be there for my children, family, and love each one of them the same and as much as my mom loved hers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing today Dad. I can't believe it's been one year now. Because I didn't see her regularly, I sometimes forget that she's actually gone.
Thank you for continuing this legacy of love.