Wednesday, November 12, 2008

November Twelve

Divorce Care

We bought a new DVD from the Divorce Care organization called Surviving the Holidays. I remember how hard and difficult it was for me and everyone of my family members that were affected by my divorce to deal with the holidays. We had our meeting at the church today to present this program. I think it went well, especially since Thanksgiving is just around the corner. Many of the participants are just now realizing how their divorce or separation have changed their life immensely. To them Thanksgiving had been the one holiday where family gathering and relationships are usually celebrated and cherished, but now, they are facing a new and uncertain future.

Since completing the 13-week DC program last month, we have had requests to continue the weekly program with selective topic, and we have been led by the Lord to do so, and have been doing mini-DC sessions for the past few weeks. We will be doing this until its time for us to go home to Texas for the month of December. We are also making plans to start DC again next year, and today we have request from two more people whether we can also do a Sunday afternoon program. We are praying about this and if that is the Lord's calling, we'll be doing two DC sessions a week next year. Pray for us. Oh, one of our participants is "freshly wounded", and she also has a teenage son with disability. She is in a deep emotional stress and need our prayers.

PS: My Mac is able to charge the battery, but still will not boot. I am baffled, but will continue to try to get it running. Know if anyone wanting to get rid of a dead MacBook? :-) Maybe I can mix and match parts from it to get one working ....

1 comment:

Breenette said...

How wonderful that the Lord has put you in a place where you were so needed, and that you have been willing servants to his mission!
Keep up His great work!